New York Native, Austin recreative. ✌️ Find me: Nava PBC, Space Type, Type Electives. Alum: NEW INC, Kickstarter, hackNY, HackTX, StuyCS.

I design digital platforms and lead development teams to be their best selves. I also teach computational typography and design; run an independent riso publishing practice; and do everything I can to make teams and organizations operate as smoothly and efficiently as possible. You can find my resume here.

Here are a few things people have said about me:

For me personally, Kevin has been key in helping me solve blockers - he's been a great collaborator and always willing to hop on a call anytime I am stuck on a bug (or want advice on team strategy or mentoring others!)

Kevin has been an incredible leader and has definitely played a large part in how I was able to grow as an engineer. He has provided me with guidance on how to move forward into other disciplines such as infrastructure, and has given me great advice on navigating the more "philosophical" parts of engineering.

Kevin has been a key contributor providing substantive technical feedback on nearly all of the initiatives and tech specs I've worked on this cycle. I imagine that maintaining context across many in flight bodies of work cannot be easy, but Kevin does so well and in doing so helps elevate the team, multiply the effectiveness of others and shape technical direction.

Kevin is a very experienced technical leader who is adept at building teams and transferring successful technical designs and delivery techniques between projects. He encourages ICs to be owners of features and initiatives and supports them to be successful.

Kevin does not micromanage people on the team and actively encourages people to take ownership of their work, without sacrificing deadlines for the client. He will go above and beyond to resolve blockers so that our team can run great without being bogged down by tasks that could take away from the sprint goal.

Over the past few months, we have had a fair bit of turnover on our team. Kevin communicates about what's happening, timelines, and what to expect. Despite all the onboarding and offboarding, Kevin did not miss a beat and these transitions were as smooth as humanly possible. He's able to manage the HR/Leadership kind of stuff while also keeping an eye focused on the work.

Kevin is an experienced technical leader who continues to make his team successful and effective, and enables it to grow in culture, people, and processes. Kevin is leading a team that he has mostly never met in person and has been able to build a team culture even while fully remote. There has been a lot of churn on the team and Kevin is making exceptional efforts to give the team continuity and preserve its norms & culture.

Kevin is a highly regarded and trusted advice giver to our stakeholders and regularly wrote up tech specs in less than a day. [...] Kevin pulls these rabbits out of a hat on a regular basis and makes it look effortless. In the process, we look brilliant and able to solve anything in front of the client.

Letterboxd: retros on film.
Newsletter: retros on the internet.

Magical Realism: Exploring Reality and Agency in the Coming-of-Age Story
From Foil to Family: Redefining Jake La Motta Through Secondary Roles

MIT Media Lab: Computational Typography Lunch Lectures [Video]
Terraform in 40 Minutes: Knowledge Share [Git]
The New MongoDB Rust Driver @ Rust NYC [Slides | Git]
Liteturn: Gesture-Controlled Cyclist Lights Using Cheap and Efficient Devices [Slides | Git]
Neural Style: The Genetic Evolution of Aesthetically-Pleasing Fractals [Slides | Git]
The NAO Robot: A Gravity Compensation Controller and Keyframe Behavior for Motion Development

Lines in Motion: I've been learning to use a pen, lately.
Coming Home: On the morning of December 18th, I sent my hackNY acceptance email to a little virtual mailbox in NYC.
Evolving Fractals: Explorations in beauty, genetics, and mathematics.

I'm an engineering lead, creative technician, and clarity-maker. I enjoy seeing people glow in their expertise, and do my best to pave the path for them.

I've worked across several government organizations and built consensus between multiple executive offices and internal cross-disciplinary leadership. I've driven development roadmaps for backend, frontend, and infrastructure teams, and have led major initiatives from ideation, launch, and into operational maintenance. I've stood up new teams from scratch, guided individuals and managers through personal conflicts, and helped engineers to become leaders. I try my best to do all these things with care and compassion.

I'd love to help you with:
  • Knowledge organization, documentation, and storytelling. Yes, that includes Confluence macros.
  • Engineering architecture principles and programming mental models. I have an academic mindset and an affinity for helping others learn ✨
  • Designing libraries, frameworks, and modular components. I'm a big fan of open-source and empowering individuals + communities to build things quickly and intuitively.
  • Writing revisions ✍️

Currently, I manage and lead web design and development projects under Space Type and act as the Principal Engineering Lead on the Beneficiary Claims Data and Data at the Point of Care APIs within CMS.

In a past life, I led greenfield infrastructure and operational processes within the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave, built microservice platforms and led payments systems at Kickstarter, worked as an Android developer for early-stage, IBM Watson-funded startup Cerebri and as a software engineer at MongoDB, architecting and actively maintaining their prototype Rust driver. I also worked for GeoTrellis as a Facebook Open Academy engineer, for Amazon AWS on their distributed RDS and DynamoDB technologies, and for local Austin company Blastro Networks, developing and orchestrating a simultaneous release of their three flagship Android apps.

I've worked at the systems level in C, done Graphics and Physical Simulation work and research in C++ and OpenGL, developed Computer Vision applications using OpenCV, and worked on an assortment of projects in Python, Perl, Ruby, Java, Javascript, Scala, Golang, Rust…the works.

I was responsible for overseeing projects to improve the hacker experience at HackTX in 2015, including 3D-printed trophies, a Slack mentorship system, a voting system for LEDs and the Hacker’s Choice award, an interactive infographic, and a hardware hack room.

github / resume / space type